Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our Next Step.....

First of all, Corey and I wanted to thank everyone again SO very much for all of your kind words and prayers. If you could only know how much it means to us to hear others are thinking of us and how many people care for us. We truly are blessed with the kindest, most loving, wonderful people in our lives. We love you dearly and thank you so so so much!

Well, by now if you've been reading this blog, you know that we are looking at going to Madrid, Spain to proceed with IVF. We are still doing research and talking with people, making sure this is the route we want to take. I understand that some people are a little skeptical about us going over seas, and I would be too, if I were on the outside too. But, I look at it as, we've come this far and have not gotten a baby...we need to keep going. I have to stay positive around this time in our lives.

We have been in contact with Ruth, who is in charge of helping us with our travel arrangements overseas and communicating with the doctors/nurses at the clinic in Madrid. Our next step is to have a web-cam consultation with the doctor who will be doing our procedure, Dr. Jennifer Rayward. She is a born American, who moved to study abroad and be co-owner of the clinic we are going to, ProcreaTec. Following the consultation we will pick a date in September that we would like to do IVF and will be starting me on the medications for one to two months and getting our travel arrangements in order.

Lots to do in a short amount of time, we will keep you posted when we know more. :-D


  1. OK, I have to ask...why Spain? Do they have better results? I'm just curious.... I've never heard of anyone going overseas for IVF. Not that it's a bad thing. Whatever gets you pregnant is worth a trip around the world!! I'll be praying like crazy that it works:) Makenna needs a play friend!!

  2. Hey there! My husband and I are considering cycling in Madrid too when we travel there in April. I would love to keep in touch and share any information we get from our reseaarch/findings.
